Monday, May 11, 2009

The Hidden Nest

Outside my school window is the cardinal nest that I have written about. It is finally finished, and the momma bird has been sitting in it this morning. I stood on a chair to see if I could see eggs in the nest when she took a break, and there were none. But she was back later, sitting, peering into my window. I wanted to get a picture of the nest from outside, so I walked into the courtyard. This creature is ingenious! You cannot see the nest from the other side. It is totally hidden in the bush, in the very corner of the building. I had to step up on a ledge,on mulch,(apologies to our custodian) and pull down branches to even get a glimpse from that side. If I had not seen it from my window, it would remain undetected from the world.
Have you ever felt that way? Wanting to make a little space to be hidden, where you can see out on the world, but no one can see you? Amazing that God built into the smallest of living things that desire for survival and solitude. Even when the wind blew, the bush swayed, yet this little nest stood firm. It even had a plastic wrapper hanging out of the bottom. Amazing. I look forward to checking on my invisible friends each moring. I'll let you know when the eggs arrive. I hope before school is out!

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Mover extraordinaire (is that a word?), happily married to a football coach for 31 years. Mother of three amazing children,(one still on the payroll) and one daughter-in-law. Teacher (special education),speaker, presenter, writer. One of my passions is sharing with others to encourage them. Another is chocolate, especially M&Ms.